Wednesday, June 15, 2016



Self-Assessment: Vision

I took a vision test that confirms the following for me:
I am sensitive to color harmonies and clashes, I think I can confirm this when I look at PowerPoint presentations, if I can't see it clearly then it bothers me big time. I know the color of all my friend's eyes, absolutely not, thank God I have lots of friends and we are close, but since I don't know maybe not close enough. I look out into the far horizon and up to the sky at least once a day. I am definitely not an outdoors human, but I do, do this because I absolutely love the way the sky looks in Georgia and definitely the cape hills and mountains in Kentucky. I am good at describing a scene in detail. I like doodling and drawing, as a graphic artist, most definitely, I sketch almost everything I see, even in meetings. Friends would describe me as alert, not my real friends they will tell you it depends on what's going on, other than that she checks out, completely out. I am sensitive to subtle changes in lighting, yes indeed this is true. I can picture things clearly in my mind's eye, indeed I can and I do it well.

My Score for this vision test would be 6 out of eight, not bad for somewhere who wears glasses and can't see clearly without them.


Self-Assessment: Hearing

My hearing assessment confirms the following:
Friends describe me as a good listener, absolutely, I am an awesome friend because I will listen carefully without a need to disrupt. I am sensitive to noise, having a ten year old son, I want to say yes, but Lord I have learned to tune him out when necessary, and yes detect the difference between goobly goo and information I need to listen to, pray for me. I can tell when someone is singing off key, yes indeed I was in the concert choir at Tougaloo College and that was a technique I had to learn as a section leader that means I can sing yawl! I can sing on key, yes I was pretty good back in the day. I listen to jazz music or classical music regularly, indeed I love jazz music. I can distinguish the melody from the bass line in a piece of music, this is true. I know what all the controls on my stereo system are for and can hear the difference when I adjust them, this is true as well, I guess you can tell music is my thing. I enjoy silence, only when I am studying. I am attuned to subtle changes in a speaker’s voice tone, volume, and inflection, indeed I am.

My Score for this hearing test would be 8 out of 9.

I knew I had a strong sense of smell, but according to the test I have an awesome sense of smell, I was able to relate to all six questions with a yes. I have a favorite scent, smells affect my emotions strongly, for better or worse, I can recognize friends by their scent, I know how to use aroma to influence my mood, I can reliably judge the quality of food or wine by its aroma and when I see fresh flowers, I usually take a few moments to breathe in their aroma. I say that this was pretty good judge of smell.

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